About Our Meat

Trusted High Quality Local Food

Our meat comes from free-range, grass-fed animals. We believe in the natural growing process, therefore grain is not a regular part of our animals' diet. These natural feeding practices mean that an 18 month old cow from our farm can weigh up to 600lbs less than one of the same age from an industrialized farm.
Despite the fact that cattle have not evolved to eat grain, it has become the staple diet of most conventional cattle operations for the simple reason that animals put on weight quickly on a diet of grain – no matter that it can lead to digestive problems, weakened immune systems, and the proliferation of e-coli in the cow’s gut. Grain feeding shortens the amount of time that animal will spend on the farm (getting fed and managed). Take away the grain and animals like those at Alpenblick Farm take a lot longer to reach a size that is ready for slaughter – one of the reasons why organic meat is more expensive than conventional. On the other hand, you eat less when consuming wholesome, organic food because the nutritional value is very high. You feel healthy and more energetic.

Visitors often comment on the peacefulness of our farm. We offer a stress-free environment for our animals. They are healthy and content because they live outside most of their lives which produces excellent flavor and quality in meat. Our animals are raised by hands and not machines.

Benefits of Organic Grass Fed Meat?

Less Fat – Fewer Calories

Young grass-fed animals – tender meat – rich in flavor

More beta-carotene (lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer)

When animals have access to green pasture their fatty acids are in balance.

High levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in free-range animals (feedlot beef and lamb have high levels of omega-6, could be a major cause of cancer).